
Zhe Mu Learn more about Zhe Mu

  • When I came across this kind of tree, I made money. It used to be used to make dragon robes. People call it golden wood. Now it's almost out of digs.

    When I came across this kind of tree, I made money. It used to be used to make dragon robes. People call it golden wood. Now it's almost out of digs.

    When it comes to valuable wood, the first thing that comes to mind is well-known wood such as Jinshinan, red sandalwood, Huanghua pear, chicken wing wood, which has been popular since ancient times. It is not easy to become wood, expensive and difficult for ordinary people.

  • What does the mahogany tree look like

    What does the mahogany tree look like

    Zhe Mu, also known as Sangzhe Mu, is a plant of Moraceae, which is a famous and precious wood in Chinese history. It is recorded in most historical documents. Zhe Mu is generally not used as furniture material, because of its name mulberry, mulberry is homophonic with injury or mourning. So, what does Tochigi look like? 1. Tree rubbings

    2020-11-08 Zhe Mu what does the tree look like also known as Mulberry Mulberry for Moraceae
  • Hang 931 (Rice)

    Hang 931 (Rice)

    Hang 931 is a new high quality early indica variety bred by Hangzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in 1986 with Hongtu 31 and fragrant rice. In 1994, the yield per mu of the combination of early rice breeding and tackling key problems in Zhejiang Province was 421.2kg, which was 2.7% higher than that of Zhe 852, and the average yield of 413kg and 351kg per mu in Hangzhou regional trial from 1994 to 1995 was 7.97% higher than that of Zhe 852 and 2.49% higher than that of Zhe 852.

  • E-commerce public welfare helps farmers to solve the problem of selling.

    E-commerce public welfare helps farmers to solve the problem of selling.

    "after a week of hard work, 250000 jin of love apples in Jiutu Village, Yongping Township have all sold out, and each household has recovered a loss of about 5000 yuan." After sending the Weibo message through the mobile client at 10:28 on the evening of October 24th, Pan Zhe, deputy county head of Li County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, finally relaxed.

    2016-03-20 E-commerce public welfare helping farmers selling difficult "after a week efforts
  • A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    Zhejiang Agricultural University 454 is a new mid-ripening and late waxy variety selected by the Department of Agronomy of Zhejiang University from the double cross combination C 889 / Zhong 8029ip / Tai 202. After 4 years and 7 generations of ward identification and selection, the disease was finalized. The trial planting was expanded to more than tens of thousands of mu in 1998 and was approved by the Variety approval Committee of Zhejiang Province in March 1999. The characteristics of Zhejiang Agricultural University are about 80cm in height, medium tillering ability, thin and tough stem, more grains per panicle, high seed setting rate, large and full grain, yellow mature green stalk, oval grain, yellow hull and spike tip.

  • Jiazao 935 (rice)

    Jiazao 935 (rice)

    Education unit: Agricultural Science Research Institute of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. Approval status: Approved by Zhejiang Province Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1999, approved by National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2000. Variety approval number: Guoshen Rice 2000006. Source: Z9l-105///You905/Jiayu 293//Z91-43. Characteristics: Conventional early indica rice varieties, plant height 80 - 85 cm. The seedling color is light green, the seedling stage is cold-resistant, and the seedling age elasticity is large. Grain medium long, awnless, glume

  • Brief introduction of two varieties of sweet potato

    Brief introduction of two varieties of sweet potato

    1. Zhe Shu 13 identification number: Zhe Shu 2005002 breeding unit: Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Nuclear Research Institute Variety Source: Zhe 3481 × Zhejiang 255 yield performance: according to multi-year experiments, the average yield of fresh potato per mu is about 2500 kg, which is more than 10% higher than that of the control Xushu 18. Characteristics: it is a mid-late mature variety, the whole growth period of open field planting is about 135 days, and it is easy to bud and blossom in autumn. Long vines, strong growth potential and large leaves

  • Shaoxian No. 1 (Rice)

    Shaoxian No. 1 (Rice)

    Shaoxian 1 (formerly Shao 93-9) is a new mid-maturing early early indica variety bred by crossing Yuenuo 1 with Lunhui 422 and backcrossing with Yuenuo 1 in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. The characteristic of Shaoxian 1 is that the middle maturity is earlier, and the whole growth period is 3 days earlier than that of the control variety Zhe 852. It has wide adaptability and is suitable for light cultivation such as direct seeding or seedling throwing in early and late seasons in the area of double cropping rice in Zhejiang Province. Medium tiller, compact plant, strong cold tolerance, especially during heading and flowering, can resist the influence of adverse climatic factors.

  • The new rape products are resistant and almost eradicate root swelling disease.

    The new rape products are resistant and almost eradicate root swelling disease.

    The new rape products are resistant and almost eradicate root swelling disease.

  • Super Rice King

    Super Rice King

    Zhezao 15 is a new super-high-yielding early indica line bred by mutagenic treatment based on the super-high-yield gene advantage of "Zhe 18500". Through the multi-point trial of early rice by Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the general yield of 667 square meters (1 mu) is more than 600 kg. The characteristics and advantages of Zhejiang early 15 are introduced as follows: 1. The tillering ability is very strong, and the seed is used less. The effective tiller per plant can reach 12-15, and the seed can be used in the field of 1 kg for every 667 square meters. two。 Cold tolerance in seedling stage and disease resistance in later stage. Strong cold tolerance at seedling stage, which can be raised properly.

  • Zhang Qingwen: a young man in charge of the new "land reform"

    Zhang Qingwen: a young man in charge of the new

    Zhang Qingwen: a young man in charge of the new "land reform"

  • Chen Tianzhong, a vegetable expert

    Chen Tianzhong, a vegetable expert

    Chen Tianzhong, a vegetable expert

  • What kinds of purple potatoes do you have? Ten purple potato varieties with good quality and high yield

    What kinds of purple potatoes do you have? Ten purple potato varieties with good quality and high yield

    Purple potato has become a new favorite in the past two years. Compared with ordinary sweet potatoes, purple potatoes are not only beautiful in color, but also very nutritious to eat, but also rich in selenium and anthocyanins, which can prevent hypertension and reduce liver dysfunction. Many people want to eat such a good purple potato.

    2020-11-27 Purple potato have which variety high quality high yield big purple potato
  • Chunjiang 03 stem (rice)

    Chunjiang 03 stem (rice)

    Chunjiang 03 stem is a new japonica rice variety bred by crossing Xiushui 11 as female parent and T82-25 as male parent. Yield performance: in the regional trials of Hubei Province in 1994 and 1995, Chunjiang 03 japonica had the highest average yield of 435.64kg per mu, which was 9.74% higher than that of the control Eyi 105. in the late rice variety comparison test of Xiaogan City and District from 1994 to 1996, the average yield of 468.51kg per mu ranked first, 16.66% higher than that of Eyi 105 (CK1).

  • Jiazao 312 (Rice)

    Jiazao 312 (Rice)

    Variety source: provincial approval of Jiazao 935/Z9505//Z96-10: characteristics approved by Zhejiang crop Variety approval Committee in 2003: this variety belongs to indica conventional rice. The average growth period of early rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 110d, which is 2.2 days later than that of Jiayu 948 and 1.2 days earlier than that of Zhejiang 733. The plant height is 81.5 cm, the plant type is moderate, the cold tolerance at seedling stage is strong, the population is neat, the flag leaf is straight, the tillering ability is weak, the panicle grain weight is coordinated, and the color conversion is better in the later stage. Effective panicles per mu

  • Kujiao No. 1

    Kujiao No. 1

    Zhejiao No.1 (bullet head) planted by Jintuo Modern Agricultural Development Research Institute of Cisheng Songtun in Zhecheng County has been demonstrated in large area for three consecutive years. The yield of dry pepper per mu is 800 jin in general spring pepper, 600 jin in wheat ridge interplanting and 500 jin in wheat stubble. The pepper has high spicy degree, the pepper fruit spicy degree is obviously higher than that of Japanese three cherry pepper, and is more spicy than Shanghai mountain eagle pepper, and has strong disease resistance.

  • Hybrid one cropping Rice Variety-ⅱ you 93

    Hybrid one cropping Rice Variety-ⅱ you 93

    Characteristics: this variety belongs to three-line late-maturing medium hybrid rice. In 2004, it participated in the regional trial of super rice in Hunan Province. The whole growth period was 136.2 days, which was 6 days less than that of Liangyoupeijiu and 2 days less than that of Shanyou 63. The plant height is about 115 cm, the plant type is tight and loose, and the resistance to fertilizer and lodging is strong. The tillering ability is medium, the luxuriance is good, the heading is neat, and the color is good in the later stage. The average effective panicle per mu is 164300 ears, the total grain number per panicle is 172.3, the seed setting rate is about 80%, and the 1000-grain weight is 27.6g. Key points of cultivation: in

  • What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    The planting of sweet potato 25 is about 3300 plants per mu, the average yield per mu is about 6000 jin, while that of summer potato is about 3500-4000 plants per mu, and the average yield per mu is about 3500 jin. At present, Yanshu 25 has been planted in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and Liaoning and other areas.

    2020-11-08 Sweet potato average yield per mu how much spring potato 6000 jin summer potato abstract
  • JiYuJing (Rice)

    JiYuJing (Rice)

    Ji Yujing is a new early japonica conventional rice variety bred by Hui73 / Qiuguang in Rice Research Institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Characteristics of Rice Research Institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences the variety has the following characteristics: 1. It has good biological characters, the growth period is 135days, the effective accumulated temperature is about 2750 ℃, and it is insensitive to light and temperature. The plant height is 95cm 100 cm, the plant shape is compact, the leaf is erect, and the leaf sheath, leaf margin and leaf pillow are all green. Strong tillering ability, 20 tillers for single transplanting seedlings

  • Price and planting method of Purple Potato Seedling

    Price and planting method of Purple Potato Seedling

    Price and planting method of Purple Potato Seedling
